Saturday, November 26, 2016


In traditional East Asian lunisolar calendars, there are 24 solar terms (Chinese: 二十四節氣, Japanese: 二十四節気[にじゅうしせっき]) in a year, suggesting the position of the sun every time it travels 15 degrees on the ecliptic longitude. (In each month there are often two solar terms.) Each of them matches a particular astronomical event or signifies some natural phenomenon. Its function is to govern agricultural arrangements in ancient times.

Below are the names and brief introductions of each solar term in Japanese:


The Beginning of Spring 立春(りっしゅん) 2月4日頃

 Rain Water 雨水(うすい) 2月19日

The Waking of Insects 啓蟄(けいちつ) 3月6日

The Spring Equinox  春分(しゅんぶん)  3月21日

 Pure Brightness 清明(せいめい)  4月5日

 Grain Rain 穀雨(こくう) 4月20日


The Beginning of Summer 立夏(りっか) 5月6日

Lesser Fullness of Grain 小満(しょうまん) 5月21日

Grain in Beard 芒種(ぼうしゅ) 6月6日

The Summer Solstice 夏至(げし) 6月21日

 Lesser Heat 小暑(しょうしょ) 7月7日

Greater Heat 大暑(たいしょ) 7月23日


The Beginning of Autumn 立秋(りっしゅう) 8月8日

 The End of Heat 処暑(しょしょ) 8月23日

 White Dew 白露(はくろ) 9月8日

The Autumn Equinox 秋分(しゅうぶん) 9月23日

Cold Dew 寒露(かんろ) 10月9日

Frost's Descent 霜降(そうこう) 10月24日


The Beginning of Winter 立冬(りっとう) 11月8日

Lesser Snow 小雪(しょうせつ) 11月23日

Greater Snow 大雪(たいせつ) -->12月7日

The Winter Solstice 冬至(とうじ) 12月22日

Lesser Cold 小寒(しょうかん) 1月6日

Greater Cold 大寒(だいかん) 1月21日

Thursday, November 17, 2016


This is the song of Yorinuki Gintama(銀魂)-san Ending 4, whose name is "Sound of Cherry Blossoms." In addition to the melody and well-written lyrics, I really like these beautiful pictures. It seems the flowers on the background reflect different personalities of the アニメ characters.

Below is the Japanese lyrics:


想い寄せれば 桜ひらひら
いついつまでも 交わした笑顔
君との約束 全ての時よ

旅立つ日の君に 何も言えなかった


想い寄せれば 桜ひらひら
君を探して 空を見上げた
もう一度だけ 出会えるのなら
君に伝える言葉があるよ 花びらにのせて

And this is the complete version of 桜音:

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

PE Reflection

Having been learning Japanese for about one and a half months, I'm glad to find a gradual progress of my language speaking, but there's still a long way to go before having a good command of it.

Right now it’s time to draw a brief summary, so I reflect upon my PE goals at the beginning of this class: (1) I think I've done a good job of distinguishing voiced and voiceless consonants by reciting and pronouncing Japanese words frequently; but as for (2) the word pitch, and (3) language naturalness, there's still room for me to improve and practice. Therefore, I'll keep the (2) and (3) goals, and (4) I'll especially pay attention to my speaking rhythm and fluency, which was the weak point during my oral exam.

Considering my current Japanese expression, I'd like to modify my PE activities a little bit as follows:

(a) While watching 日本のアニメ like ワンピ—ス every week, I should pay attention to the word pitch and imitate the speaking rhythm so that my own Japanese may sound more conversational. Also in this way, I can extend my Japanese vocabulary.

(b) Go to さとう先生, しばた先生 or とくます先生's office at least twice a week, and have Japanese conversation with them. It's an effective way to practice my speaking and may help me look more confident next time when I take the oral exam. I’ll continue shadowing some Japanese songs as well.

(c) Use Japanese in daily life. For example, when I see my bag on the table, I shall consciously remind myself of the Japanese expression (つくえのうえにわたしのかばんがあります). It’s important to keep enthusiastic of language learning in everyday life.

In sum, my oral Japanese is far from perfect, but I believe it will turn out well as long as I stick to my plan and practice as much as I can. So again, 頑張れ!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Self-introduction Video






Tuesday, September 27, 2016

PE Goal Statement


Since Japanese 101 has started for nearly two weeks, it's proper to make my resolutions and set goals to achieve. Below are my goals in this semester:

(1) Distinguish voiced consonants from voiceless counterparts (like と and ど, こ and ご, た and だ). This is the tricky one for me. I want to practice with help of both listening and spelling.

(2) Correct my word pitch. When doing homework of this part last week, I found it a bit uncertain and confusing for me to pronounce the proper pitch so that my Japanese sounded weird. I should listen to the model carefully and pronounce in a natural way.

(3) Speed up and speak like native Japanese. Maybe it's the ultimate goal for the oral training, but I'll try to approach the target starting from simple sentences and daily dialogue.

In order to realize these goals, regular practice and a reasonable schedule are indispensible. Thus I'm determined to do the following events:

(a) Make full use of the resources and exercises from the textbook. Speak Japanese as much as possible in class. Regular training is essential.

(b) Since I like to watch アニメ (My favorite is ONEPIECE ワンピ—ス), it's easy for me to learn Japanese while watching one episode every week. Shadowing a scene is a good idea.


(c) Singing Japanese songs (especially those in アニメ) is another effective way to steep in the Japanese cultural contexts. Song lyrics are more likely to be remembered and we can learn through entertainment.

Above are my detailed plan of oral Japanese learning. Simple as it may seem, what matters is stick to the schedule and never give up. Practice makes perfect. 頑張れ!

Monday, September 26, 2016





Friday, September 16, 2016

First Week in Japanese 101


Hi everyone, nice to meet you! My name is Lili Xia, and you can call me Lily.

I'm the first-year graduate student in the department of East Asian Studies. My advisers encourage me to enroll in the Japanese language program, since the Sinology among Japanese scholars are of the highest level and it's academically essential for me to peruse Japanese research. Though I've studied Japanese on my own this summer, I'd like to hone my oral speaking with 先生 and my classmates, and this course will offer me great opportunities to achieve my goal.

It was really fun and effective in my first 3 days of class with oral, writing skills and general knowledge about 日本語. Still I’m a bit confused about the stress (or fortis) of Japanese pronunciation. I hope one day I’ll speak like a native.

Looking forward to study with all of you this semester!
